Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[INTRO] about nick wong.

hello dur, I am Nicholas Wong, but I go by the name of nick wong. I was born on february 23, 1996 (15 years old), and a Pisces, da fishes. Im an asian-american dude, 100% chinese. Ive attended the schools Lum, Wood, and currently Alameda. A hobby of mine is playing games :D. Games have had a huge impact on my life, starting from the original Nintendo to modern online/console games. I also run TRACK. I started in 5th grade, running for Wood, and got hooked since then. Sadly, in the 6th grade, there wasnt enough funds to have particular sports, including track...In the 7th grade, I got injured and couldnt run. FINALLY in 8th grade, after 2 years, I was able to run/jump, but not as well as I wanted to...I joined the track team at Alameda High and its been a great experience so far. Much more track meets, and much, MUCH harder practices. Veeeeeeeeery excited for the upcoming track season in the spring. Ive been striving to beat my own records for a while, hopefully it will happen then. Also as sophomores this year, we have a larger chance of winning our events since we only go againts other sophomores and freshman. Sometimes, or more like only during the summer, Ive been doing dragonboat (not really) every once in a while. Its pretty fun but hard at the same time, if youre a beginner (LIKE ME LOL). 
Throughout my life Ive had some adventures...dumb adventures...When I was the age of 7(?) I was walking from my house to Loards Ice Cream in south shore with my cousins who rarely came. I was talking to one of my cousins without looking forward, bad idea ._. . So, as I was walking, suddenly, my cousins yell, "NICK WATCH OUT" as I walk into the pole. HOWEVER..I didnt simply just walk into the pole, I turned my head (as anyone would if your name was yelled right..?), and just at the right moment, as I turned my head, I scraped it on the edge of the pole and walked into it afterwards. My forehead began to bleed and I had to go to the hospital to get skin glue. That thing..burns. Another adventure I had was around the age of 11. I was running up the stairs of my dad's apartments and theres this glass fire extinguisher box in the middle of the wall. I was rushing to get up the stairs and I tripped, which led me to practically DIVE into the box. I got a scar from that. My last and pretty much most recent adventure was during the 7th grade, the day of our first of three track meets. During lunch, we decided to play a game of tag, most of the track people,and as I was running away, I trip on this tiny rock and literally punch the ground. I broke my wrist. 
Some adventures Id like to have in the future would be to eventually bungee jump off some sort of bridge or something, skydive out of a plane, and do that one thing where you glide in the air while you hold this bar connected to some sort of triangular kite, glidingorsomething. 
For this year I have several goals in writing that Id like to perfect or at least improve. A main one, essay writing...mainly in the introductions and the conclusions, the bodies are fine. Writers block is also a big issue I face whenever I am writing some sort of writing piece for school.
kthxbai. :D


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