Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[FREE]: this week.

          OOOOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEEEEAH. In-n-Out for lunch. Gendarme's dad got the food for us. I THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN.
          Once again Im here to complain about AP Euro. Our class was divided into 6 groups, each consisting of 6 members. However, there was one group that was short one member, and that group was the one I was put in. We were given maybe a week or so to do our report, like 90% at home, since we had about 3 minutes in class to discuss. NO OFFENSE...but my group isnt the smartest. We barely did any work until thursday night, as we had to bring material into class on friday to discuss. Most of us, actually all who did some "work", simply copy and pasted it from Wikipedia or other sites she had given us. My group, was obviously unprepared. Over the weekend, we decided not to do any work either, as we had time in class on monday. Finally came the day for a certain amount of groups to present, today. We met up in class, looked at each other, and talked about how we somehow managed to cram all our work into the night before. It was horrible. The teacher began to create a list of which groups are going, in order. When she started the list, my group and I were SO relieved to hear that we were not to present today. Good thing, another day to work on our crappy presentation. 
          Today wasnt all bad though. During AP Euro., a group decided to ask questions to the audience to make sure theyre understanding it. If you got a question correct, youd be rewarded with a mini Air Head. At the end of all the questions, the final question decided who would receive the rest of the bag. A guy in the back corner attempted to answer the question, which was "What is Botticelli's true name? Spell it". The guy answered "A-l-e-s-s-a-n-d-r-o F-e-l-i-p-e-p". The questioneer said "Oh, close but not good enough, anyone else?". I shot my arm up, I had written down the name earlier when it was mentioned. "A-l-e-s-s-a-n-d-r-o F-i-l-i-p-e-p-i". "CORRECT". I got the back of air heads :D. kthxbai.


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