Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[CE]: 2menduetobefreefromIran(part2)

From Al Jazeera (<- click dat for the site),
Deal for release of jailed "hikers" delayed because judge whose signature was needed is on vacation, lawyer says.
          So the men that were supposed to be free several days ago, were not freed. The reason so is because the judge who was supposed to sign the document was "on vacation". I have a feeling that it was on purpose. Seriously, shouldnt a judge have common sense when they have a job to do? And when at such a crucial moment, is it not possible to get a different judge? Is there just ONE judge for the whole frikking place? I doubt that. The judge shouldnt be out for a holiday when his job is in need.
          The men have been waiting years and it seems like the judge wants to be like "Oh hey, just hold on a bit more...". The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even assured their freedom last week with the one million dollar deal. That judge...needs a new job.
          Apparently the Iranian judiciary official denied the release and freedom of the two men. That statement created much confusion when the Iranian President stated they were to be released the following day. Does that ONE judge have to sign the papers? Im pretty sure thered be other judges, capable of his duties. Unless he is the almighty king of judges who must be there to sign the papers. Theyve waited long enough, family members are probably just getting madder and madder at the Iranians. Id still like to see this "evidence" they had, which I talked about in my last current events post (here). And what was the reason to let them go now? Was it because of the death of Osama bin Laden? I wonder...but thats it for today.


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