Friday, September 16, 2011

[RE]: to gg.

Gigi Zeng:
I'm one of those active immature people that still like to play 'Sandman' and 'Monster Tag'.
 you into that stuff LOL. Back in like what...7th grade? Childish games are my life. I am a child. A child is me. I dont know what Im saying... 
          As a child Id used to play random stuff with friends in elementary school. Those games included: Spy, Ninja, Freeze Tag, Sandman, and Monster Tag. Spy was created by none other than myself; it was a game in which one used their "spying" skills to find people or basically "spy" on people. Ninja, was kinda created by the group of small asians I played with, we would weave "ninja techniques" to pretend fight each other. Yes, the techniques were from Naruto (UJELLY?). Freeze Tag...that game was a never-ending game, not the most fun game =/. Sandman and Monster Tag were introduced to me by people who I met during my time at Wood Middle School. Sandman is an intense game in which you try to catch people with certain limits/circumstances..(I dont want to explain it thoroughly, itd take a while). Monster Tag was basically Tag, however if you were "Tag"-ed then you become "it" WITH the person who had "Tag"-ed you. The game is over once every player has become "it". 
          These childish, but oddly fun, games made up a lot of my childhood, and somewhat of my present. I sometimes still play certain games. Soooo basically I am immature :D. Immaturity is what keeps the world go round, not really. If all the people in the world were tight-ass, suit-wearing, money-loving, old, and sophisticated, THEN I WOULD NOT EXISTENT IN THAT WORLD. kthxbai.