Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[CE]: 2menduetobefreefromIran

From Al Jazeera (<- click dat for the site),
"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said in interviews that Iran would release two US citizens imprisoned for spying in a "couple of days'" on bail, which their lawyer said had been set at $500,000 each."
           So apparently these two guys and a girl accidentally crossed the unmarked border of Iran while hiking through northern Iraq. The three of them were then imprisoned at Tehran in 2009 and were sentenced for last month-8 years because they were "spying". The evidence of them doing so has not been shown to the public either.
          Is it me, or is that just wrong? If there is or was any evidence, why not just show it to the public. The case would be settled much easier. BUT NOOO, they kept it hidden, giving us thoughts as to if the evidence is even existant. With confidential evidence, they even have the guts to make a bail amount of $500,000.
          The three victims (Bauer, Fattal and Shourd) were said to be hiking, but when they crossed an unmarked border of Iran, they were stopped and arrested. Shourd was later freed in 2010 with the bail of $500,000. The other two were still kept in Tehran's Evin prison until only recently. What took so long for them to allow these men to be freed via bail? Why werent they allowed to be freed the same time when Shourd was? I am now wondering if Iran has waited until the war had ended to make sure. Also, President Obama assured that the men were not working for the US intelligence agency. The conflict between them has probably left much tension.
          I think that Iran was just being paranoid with the war going on, and they accused the hikers to stay safe. However, sentencing them for up to 8 years for allegedly being spies without and public evidence is going too far. The families of the remaining men are probably worried to death for them, but now vvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrry relieved.

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