Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[FREE] a dream...deferred?

What happens to a dream deferred?
          A dream deferred is one in which you long for something, but are unable to reach that metaphorical finish line. Basically, it means your dream is crushed while attempting to achieve it. For example, there was this episode of My Name is Earl, where there is an incredible quick grocery bag "bagger" that lives in the town. The bagger was going to state to bag in that competition. At that time, since his house was unattended, the people of the town went to his house and robbed him of his items. When the rookie bagger came home, he immediately noticed his bare house. Enraged with anger, he punched the wall, causing his hands to become broken and disfigured. He never bagged again.On the brink of becoming professional, he dropped to the bottom. 
          When this happens to a person, I believe they die a little on the inside. All their hopes and dreams crushed, or delayed right when they are to reach it. When a persons dream becomes deffered, they either give it all up completely, or keep chasing this fantastical dream. Although, even if it is given up, I think that it would still be inside of the person forever, haunting, taunting the person.
          I had a dream deferred yesterday. I was craving these eggrolls at the corner store across the street. It was plentiful at lunch time. However, when I went at around 6:30PM to buy some, there were none! I was devastated. I had to settle for some strawberry milk. It was good and all, but Ive been craving them since them. Hopefully there are some later!

1 comment:

  1. That's a good example of a dream deferred... how sad!! I think this poem is popular among students because they know they have to choose whether or not to follow their dreams at this time in their lives.
