Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Syria deaths

"Gaddafi is gone, your turn is coming Bashar," protesters shouted on Friday in Hama. "Our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you, Libya!" they chanted.
          Wow. So many protests going on around the world. With all the "Occupy _____" in US and now this in Syria. I believe what they're saying is right. They basically want to impeach the president right? I find that a right thing to do. If the people do not like the person leading or representing them, they should be able to keep or to discard the person. Also I heard the last leader, Gaffadi was some sort of tyrant? If he was for real, then it is understandable that the people do not want that to happen again.
          "Our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you, Libya!". I think that means that the people are what makes up the country. The people and their culture that represent it. And that they would give up their lives, to protect this. Many, unfortunately had to. More deaths in Syria from security forces. Apparently there are activist groups that are acting out and protesting against the president. I, really, do not agree with the killings. There has even been a killing during one's funeral. Its not right. People should have the right to say what they want, or need to, just like in the US. Free speech. Death shouldn't be even an event at the protests. They just want what is good for the people and economy.
          Basically what I want to say is that the people should be allowed to choose who leads them, and should not be killed because of that effort. Foreign intervention is also opposed. I wish that'd be changed, then people could advise them.

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