Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE]: 9/11 Terror Threat :O!

US officials have said they are investigating a credible but unconfirmed threat of a terror attack, reportedly involving bomb-laden vehicles ahead of this weekend's 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. -Al Jazeera
          I, personally, wonder why the heck terrorists would attack again. Even though its not confirmed, it shouldnt even be thought of. Why the heck would they do this? I mean, if terrorists DO do this, then its just like ASKING for another war. I think people in America may be very concerned now if they were to read this. People who were involved somehow involved in the incident may become paranoid as well. There will be much precaution and worry of the people in America. I am glad that Law enforcement sources stated that there was a manhunt underway for several people. The subject is of a very, very serious matter. I am almost 100% sure that people who witnessed that last attack will not just stand and do nothing. People WILL do things, radical things if we are attacked again. Many lives will be changed, once again.
           In my opinion, the attack from 2001 could have been a big source of our nations recession. The attack on the United States led to a war. The war was very, VERY costly and there were many casualties, more than shouldve been. The war needed much money to operate and we needed to borrow a lot of money from other countries. The money used became a debt and a large one at that. The debt is still required from us to this day and the future. If there were to be another attack, imagine the toll it would have on all of us in the future. 

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