Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE]: response to jeremy wendroff

I think this piece of writing from Jeremy Wendroff was very interesting.
The video gaming culture has really reeled me in ever since 10 years ago when my mom got me started on it. I honestly don't think I could live another day knowing that I would never be able to play games again.
           This...touches me. NOTHATSNOTWHATSHESAID. I, too, began playing games a while ago, probably around the same time as he. And just like it was to him, gaming created a large impact on my life. mom didnt get me into it. I began playing games since I was maybe 3 or 4. I think that games are easy ways to use up time, but also can waste your much needed time.
           My dad played a lot of games. So, in our house, we had a set of the original Nintendo console, and several Nintendo 64 consoles. My favorite as a child was the hunting game where you hold a plastic gun and aim at the screen to shoot the discs or ducks that are trying to get away. However, our Nintendo died. D:. A friend of mine, as a child, had the newest Pokemon game and let me try it out. I got super hooked and was able to get the game for myself eventually. Pokemon, I think was a game that I played for years and years. I had Pokemon games for the Nintendo 64, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, PS2, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. As years passed, I slowly began to play less console games, and quickly started to play online games. First with "TPPCRPG", a site where you train, sell, or trade Pokemon with people online. From there I went to other games like Maplestory and Rumble Fighter. Maplestory, at first was a fun gaming experience, but as time went on, it was just a waste of time. Rumble Fighter, though will always stick with me, its that good :D...
           If there was no more games...well its all over. Games are like tools to soften(?) your mind. They help to get your mind off of things, which can be especially useful if you are having a loooot of stress or just need some sort of break or other things. kthxbai.

1 comment:

  1. weh, I don't think games soften your mind, at all!

    Don't they stimulate it?

    I have learned a whole lot from playing video games and I get into the story, and though many people don't consider gaming to be a productive activity, you are always working towards a goal so it's productive to me.
