Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE]: wewt, but not really

          Im glad theres time to do our posts during class... Last week I began my posts at around 11:15ish PM. That..was not the best idea. I finished two in about half an hour, leaving me with around 14 minutes to do the last one. At approx. 11:57, I was only at 188 words, sooo I rushed that thing sooooo much. Finished at 11:59 with 252 words.. immediately published :D...
          School, as usual has been a pain in the butt. AP Euro. makes me feel like Im a freaking retard...Also in HP Pre-calc, Ive been pretty nervous about the upcoming test, but somewhat relieved now since people in earlier classes say that its actually not that hard. In HP Chemistry yesterday, apparently we had homework over the weekend (uh..yeah..hehe..) and only 4 people in my class did the work. So instead of using the last 25-30 minutes to review the homework and do corrections, our teacher told us about his life and how he ended up to become a teacher. Everythang else so far has been a breeeeeeeze~
          I finally did track & field practice for a day. Tired. Slept during our movie in AP Euro. Not going today.
          Yesterday, when I got home, I intended to do my homework ahead of time, but that didnt work out as well as Id thought it would. I got home, turned on my laptop, did some surveys for prizes, went to watch anime/youtube for a few hours. I then realized it was 10 PM when I was done. "CRAPMYHOMEWORK". thenIwenttogosleep.
          ihavewritersblockonablog. asdfghjkl. 
          I woke up this morning and looked at my alarm clock and it read "8:51 AM". My face went like O____O. I quickly packed ALL my school supplies and ran downstairs. Only to see on the stove that its actually 7:11 AM. I totally forgot my alarm clock is an hour and forty minutes ahead. /facepalm


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