Friday, September 30, 2011

[ESSAY]: What defines humans?

          What characteristic defines or separates the human race from another? There are many possible answers to this question. But the answer differs from person to person. Of course, there is no correct answer, because different people are able to express their own thoughts and share them. In my opinion, the most significant characteristic that defines the human race is that they are able to choose the path in which they walk, metaphorically of course. Doing what they want to do.
          Unlike many other living organisms, humans' lives are driven by the choices they make. I am not stating that other beings are unable to make choices, they have inevitable fates. Animals will ,basically, be born into the new world, grow and/or mature, and eventually die, without making much of an impact onto the ever-changing world. That undeniable cycle of life is what is called "fate". An animal's main purpose is to survive, to mature, and to reproduce for the future. That is all. Rinse and repeat. It is set up to be played over and over again.
          Humans, on the other hand, thrive to become better. They have no certain purpose. No "fate". Their lives are not played out before they are created. It is them who choose what they do, using their own reasoning.Whether what subject they want to do so on, humans will try to succeed. Many of times, using any means necessary.
          Power. The majority of humans strive for power or the ability to be the best. That is their choice. As I said, it was not already decided pre-birth. But humans will try and probably fail. That is when we learn from our mistakes. From that experiment, they can then narrow the choices in which they are allowed to take. That is the time when a new choice is decided on and/or created.
          Close your eyes and imagine this. A world where there is nothing. Blankness. Just people mindlessly roaming around and reproducing. No significant occurrences. No colors, designs, towns, nor civilization. There is no peace, but at the same time, no war. People, more like puppets, walk off to their deaths, die without even realizing so, or even caring. Mindless dolls, created for the sole purpose of being there to exist. Just, nothingness. This world is one where there is no thoughts. Not even at the slightest. A world where, choices were not implanted into the minds of humans. No choices to change or to evolve. That is a world, a terrifying world I would hate to live in.
          The first of mankind, known as "cavemen". These primary human beings valued their lives and acted accordingly. Their thoughts and/or choices kept them safe from the various dangers. They began to create tools and other sorts of technology to survive. Skipping a bit further into history, scholars. Instead of choosing to survive, they thought and educated themselves. Just thought of things. That choice allowed them to become intelligents. Intelligents made a huge impact on society. Cultures of different regions came to. Philosophy and arts were created. History itself, was created, because someone thought about making history. To educate the future and learn from mistakes and/or victories. Many, if not all things of the modern world are products of what used to be crazy thoughts. They came to be because the people were able to try it out, and eventually create some sort of invention.
          For example, I don't even need to be doing this. This essay for some English class is just for some grade. However, I choose to live a life through a decent education to educate others. Hopefully a successful life, but that doesn't come without a cost. Hard work is required to progress. I seriously don't even need to do this, but I know it will help me in the near future. 
          My parents, lived a life not so extravagant as the modern day child's is. They lived in far out countries, without much money, they both moved from their original countries to the United States for better opportunities. Nowadays, were just in the middle class, living an average life, nothing fancy. But still, my parents wish the best for my brother and I. We now have the opportunities that they weren't given. They want to instill their knowledge into us, for our future, but at the same time, give us some freedom. We don't live their lives, but we follow their rules. We got our own lives and things to do.
          Choosing your path in life, certainly, will not be a joyous ride. There are, as in everything, its ups and downs; its pros and cons. In my AP Euro class, we've recently learned about the Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance Arts. The painting which my group did research on was a good example for this statement. The art consists of three panels. First, Adam and Eve - a perfect world. Second, a group of naked peoples having a sort of sexual orgy - the temptation of mankind. And last, a hell - the people and knights of sorts are being tortured for sinning in the second panel. This painting shows exactly what I'm saying, even if you are able to make your own choices, it may not end well. The people chose to indulge into temptations, rather than education and religion, which led to punishments in the afterlife. Even if you think you're doing something you personally enjoy, it may not be the right thing to do. Think before you do. No seriously, do that. A personal experience of mine, somewhat recent, happened in the beginning of school. We, the people who joined AP Euro, were told we would have a quiz on the second day of school, covering what we were to learn over the summer. I, was just...not the best time-wise person. I began all the work a week before school started, and had little to no time to study for this quiz. I was terrified as we began, and afterward. I was dead.
          This characteristic, of being able to choose and create your own path in life, as I stated, was the most significant feature mainly humans have. Animals and whatnot are born with a given lifestyle. Humans, throughout history have evolved due to opinions and thoughts. I'm glad we live in a world, where thoughts and choices are acknowledged and encouraged.

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