Friday, September 23, 2011

[RE]: O: Annie Zhu

Annie Zhu:
We did a lot of ab workouts today, it looked easy when the coach and captains showed it to us but it wasn’t.
          LOL we saw you today and watched for a bit...
          Ab workouts are the worst thing everr. Most the time, they dont even like include abs, its more like leg workouts.
          In track we do like the ones you mentioned. Lifting your legs up to a certain height, then hold for a certain amount of time. We also did the scissor-like things you talked about. But, we have to do like several sets of them, set to random times. Sometimes theyre even harder D:. Sometimes there are even like things where you lie on your back and lift one leg to 90 degrees while keeping the other leg about 6 inches above the ground. And in track, they can last for at least a minute to several minutes, with small breaks inbetween. Not the most fun thing there is to do.
          Also it really doesnt look that bad. Watching the coach and/or experienced people do it, it looks like its nothing. Just a small task. HOWEVER, when you actually do them, its completely different. For the first, maybe, 10 to 15 seconds, it seems fine and dandy, but as time progresses, it changes. A little bit longer, your legs start to feel a sort of burning sensation. Even longer into it, you begin to shake, and your eyes clench harder. A lot of time into it, your legs slow become numb, and the pain becomes unbearable (if possible, I cheat a lot and put my legs down for a short period :D...).
          I hope you feel better from practice. O:


  1. "For the first, maybe, 10 to 15 seconds, it seems fine and dandy, but as time progresses, it changes. A little bit longer, your legs start to feel a sort of burning sensation. Even longer into it, you begin to shake, and your eyes clench harder. A lot of time into it, your legs slow become numb, and the pain becomes unbearable"

    Hey, look! It's more sensory detail! :)

    In the long run, though, don't all these hardcore exercises make you look like Captain America, and run faster and all that? I know it sucks while it's happening, but no pain no gain right? Come on now...

  2. Hey Nick, thanks for the response. Yeah it is hard when you actually do it but it was kind of fun, most of us couldn't do it anyways. I cheat and put my legs down for a while too, but when you are doing ab workouts your legs aren't suppose to hurt.
