Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] to max atkins

Max Atkins: 
Since this is a free post I am not going to sit here trying for thirty minutes to make a "great" start for this piece. I find this rather fun, well better than my previous english assignments, to be able to talk about what ever I want to.
          I completely and totally agree with this. I like to have the choice of freedom in my writings. I remember last year, in Ms.Rudd's class. It was mainly just mindless working, since we barely even had to think because she practically gave the writings to us. I mean it was easy but we didn't get freedom, and had to just do what she said.  
          This year, however, is different. I'm glad with the freedom we have in class, and in our works at home. Speaking of working at home, that is a concept that should be used more. By that, I don't mean homework, I mean due dates that are due at 11:59PM, on specific days. I think that allows us to use our time more wisely, or organize our time for it. Using computers or laptops for works are great. We can use them whenever we want.
          We also don't need to put much effort this year in the class. Its like almost a free class, the homeworks are easy, and the classwork, is even more easy. For example, right now, I don't even know what half the things I'm saying. But it does count as our free write, and I also don't need to make it perfect or anything. Just whatever I want to do. Basically, the freedom is nice in this class, and I wish it could like this more in other classes. Its been nice talking to you, its been a while Max. :O See ya around in school.

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