Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[BI-COL] Steve Jobs

         "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right". Steve Jobs' opinion on this quote, shortened, basically means to live your life to its fullest, and not to regret your decisions. I agree with Steve Jobs' advice. Live your life so that someone will remember you. Take your chances before you can not anymore. Live your own life, not someone elses'. A person should live their life without regrets, and make an effort to create an impact on the world.
          Live your life so that someone will remember you. Create a legacy for yourself. Try to make an impact on society, or an individual. What could be a small matter to you, could be very important to someone else Perform actions that can be looked up upon, be who you are, and do things with pride. If you live by these rules, you should not have much worries, or troubles. I believe in these sayings strongly. Try to become memorable, even if to only one person.
          Take your chances before you can not anymore. If I were to die today, I would not be satisfied at all. I have many things in which I'd like to do, but haven't had the chances to. I've also had things I was able to do, but backed out of doing them. For example, I was in Thailand with my family when I was about the age of ten. We had hiked up somewhat high, to this deck. At this sort of deck, there was an activity that anyone over the age of 5 or so was able to do or try. What the activity was, was that you are strapped on with a harness which is attached to a strong rope, hooked to a motorboat. Above the harness was a kite sort of item, allowing you to float up. My family asked if I wanted to go. It really looked fun. I wish I did it, however I was somewhat scared of heights so I had decided not to. After that experience, or more like inexperience, I decided to try out things if I wanted to, and since then, I haven't regretted that decision at all. 
          Live your own life, not someone elses'. Your life is short, be who you are, don't waste your time trying to be something or someone else. Basically, don't be influenced by people, be influenced by yourself, learn from yourself. For example, think about Scooby Doo. If he listened to all the stereotypes that dogs can only bark, eat, and walk, he wouldn't be who he is now. He is Scooby Doo by what he does, its what defines him. Just live by what you believe in, don't let others persuade you to do other things.  
          A person should try to make an impact on the world, and live their life without regrets. As Steve Jobs said, you should live your life as if it was your last. I believe you should live your life so that someone will remember you. Take your chances before you can not anymore. Lastly, live your own life, not someone elses'. Change the world with your own power.

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