Friday, October 7, 2011

[RE] Brian Dont Blink LOL

Brian Zhen (Brian Dont Blink):
Hello ladies and I am here to talk about the Dragon Boat Race that happened on Sunday
          The Dragon Boat Race! I heard it was a good experience. I wonder how it wouldve been if I continued doing Dragon Boat. So it seems you guys did somewhat well. Waking up at 6am on a Sunday morning, I could never do though. Also going to Treasure Island in the morning...never again. Its terribly cold there in mornings. 
          Dragon Boat-ing was pretty fun during the summer. I just wished I had more determination to do it. The first time I went with Ryan and Justin Tong, was kind of hard because they wanted to do the pre-practice. That was some tough stuff. Did a high amount of push ups and jumping jacks. By the time we did the actual on-boat practice, my arms were tired. During the summer, I went again like 2 more times but I sucked. I didnt have much will to go anymore. Also I woke up at around 3pm to 4pm everyday due to games, so I wouldnt have made most of them. 
          I think if I went to more, I wouldnt have been so tired out at the beginning of track pre-season this year. In the summer I did little to no working out of any kind for sports. I played a bit too much games...Dragon Boat would have at least gotten me a bit more in shape or fit for school and sports. However, now that I have track practice, I dont have time for Dragon Boat. 
          I may start again in the summer just for fun. :D. kthxbai.

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