Friday, October 14, 2011

[FREE] ohboy

          Its been a tough, but also relieving week. 
          On Tuesday night, I had little to no homework, so I dozed off at around 8:45. I woke back up around 9:15 and thought to myself "Why don't I just sleep?". Without a doubt, I just turned everything off, shoved my work back into my backpack, hopped back onto my bed, and just hibernated. Woke up fine and dandy at 7:20. Most sleep I've had during a school night for a looooong loooong time. And it felt good.
          Last week I had a chem test and I thought I did horrible. However, when we got them back graded on Monday, my eyes widened and I thought "WOOOO". Instead of doing such a bad job I'd thought, I scored the highest in both of the HP Chem classes, only getting 1 point off the whole test. Phew. Also, during this week, during the block#1 and #2 days, HP Pre-calc had a test on matrices. I understood the concept, but not how to do inverses much. When the day came, it was waaaay too easy. I finished somewhat early, so I had time to check my answers. Seemed fine to me. My teacher graded both of them the day afterwards, and I was once again surprised. I had scored a 97 out of a possible 100. Wow, this week was going great. Until the dreaded AP Euro MC Test...I had a bad feeling about it. My grade as it was, was an 80%. Borderline. I needed to raise it up, so I studied furiously, trying to memorize what all the terms were and their significance. But when the test came, today, I was dead. I studied little of everything, but a lot of the test was focused on just some terms, extended into several questions. Daaang...we haven't received our grades yet, but I know...I just know it ain't gonna be good.

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