Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] arrests in protests

Al Jazeera:
The New York Police Department said that 14 people were arrested on Friday when protesters ignored police instructions to remain on the sidewalks so as not to impede traffic.
          I have to agree with the decision of the police. I understand that people have the ability of free speech, and I'm not against the movement, pretty positive toward it, but there are limits I guess. The police told them to remain on the sidewalks, so that traffic is not impeded. The police allowed them to protest, at the very least, but there are some things that they shouldn't do. They were given the chance to protest, but to resist the police, and stop traffic, was not the best idea. First of all, you're getting in the way of innocent people, or lost people who could have possible liked the idea of protesting, but due to the annoyances, has rejected it. The arrests, were indeed true, at least to me.
          I, myself, like the idea of the protest against Wall Street. The greed of the people, sickens me. In this already bad economy, they want more, and more. Seriously? There are people out there without homes or even money to buy food, and you want the money for yourself? That I definitely have to disagree on. Unless all those funds were going to soup kitchens or shelter for the homeless, I'd be glad, however, its for personal use. Corruption has engulfed these money-greedy people. And its a shame. If I were able to, I would go to protest against these horrible people myself. However, I'm just a bit too scared and young? Good luck to all those who are trying though! This should happen. Hopefully it will. 

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