Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE] ken phan

Ken Phan (<- click for link)
Just like usual, seniors were the loudest, then juniors, us the sophomores, then the quiet freshmen, well they weren't THAT quiet. The juniors though, they were almost dominated the crowds. They were so "spirited" and were all in good rhythm. For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed.
          LOL that was a pretty cool experience I guess. The seniors were frikkin crazy, with all those poppers and horns. Juniors though, were on top of things, dominating. With all their "JUNIOR"-ing and that beat. Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, etc. Also with the wave, they were just, amazingly in sync. They even won the relay thing I think?
          The sophomores though, were alright. Like half the people cheered, and the rest just sat and watched. I did like both, my bleachers were kind of dead. Whenever the juniors did some sort of action, the leaders for the sophomores just copied them, but extended it I guess. The beginning, the juniors yelled like there was no tomorrow, and we followed. We did the exact same thing, but a little longer, until it got quiet. Also with the wave, the juniors did a great job with that. Then since the sophomores weren't doing anything, they decided to copy them as they saw them doing it. "HEY GUYS DO THAT. DO IT NOW." is what I heard. The left side of the bleachers tried to start it, but it kept dying out near the middle. Big fail.
          Oh well. It was a fun day, the orange color was everywhere. Not as much yellow freshman, and a big load of red seniors. I guess that's usual, being it their last year. Green was pretty consistent throughout the school too. Those freshman...who painted some crap all over the foreign language building lockers, were just...stupid. Smearing all over the place. Dumb.

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