Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] a big load. of work

          This week has been busier than ever. Mainly from schoolwork and homework. A whole freaking chapter of AP Euro notes in a few days. ~28 pages? That waaass crazy. Luckily though, due to the lock down drill at the school, the assignment due date was further extended. Pheww. I had done about half of the notes by Tuesday (yesterday), however that took hours to do. I would've been up late, pretty late if it was due today. Math, for the first time in a while, has been hard to understand. There's just been too much material to learn and cover in the limited amount of time. We've also got a weekly quiz on it in 2 days. Sigh.
          bldfkasd even as Im typing this Im feeling so tempted to just shove the keyboard on the side, lie my head down onto the desk, and just fall asleep into an eternal darkness.
          Today I went to Kais again for lunch. Ordered a teriyaki combo box, includes teriyaki chicken with rice, a small portion of salad, cold macaronis (ew) and 4 pieces of California roll sushi. It was pretty good as usual. After we had lunch we headed to Woori market to find a drink. A few of us didnt know what to get, so we looked at this clear bottle with pink writings on it, in korean? It wasnt too expensive, and looked interesting, so we decided to grab one. As we left the store, we opened the bottle with curiousity. It was pretty good. A hint of peach and water, and somewhat thick like juice. Refreshing.

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