Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] Steve Jobs.

From Al Jazeera:
The founder of Apple Inc died in Palo Alto, California, surrounded by his family.
          The famous Steve Jobs died recently. Although I didnt know much of him, he made a large impact on the world.
          A founder of Apple. Apple made a large impact on my life, and many others. The invention of the Mac, and the iPod has changed many lives. The Mac, an alternative choice other than the PC. The iPod was a revolutionary invention as well. A modern technology used to play music on the go. He also made many changes and improvements with these. The iPod went to the iTouch, containing the same functions, but able to do much, much more. Ive had both of these. And I must say, theyre pretty useful and entertaining.
          Pixar. Steve Jobs also had a strong relation with Pixar. More like, he created it. He used his vast imagination to create animations into Pixar. Making the standard for animations.
          I remember hearing somewhere that he went to China. He went to China in order to spread Apple products and sales. Companies were opening in China and Asia, and he was going around to do these. I never heard though that he had some sort of disease or health problem. More like cancer. All I knew that he was some important chief of some sort to Apple. Then suddenly, out of no where, I hear that he has died. Everyone is sad. I didnt know how to react. Im not the most informed person in technology, so I researched a bit on him. He was a pretty smart and innovative person. I just know that he has fulfilled his duty, to leave a mark on this earth before he died. A legacy, if I may say so.

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