Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[FREE] a dream...deferred?

What happens to a dream deferred?
          A dream deferred is one in which you long for something, but are unable to reach that metaphorical finish line. Basically, it means your dream is crushed while attempting to achieve it. For example, there was this episode of My Name is Earl, where there is an incredible quick grocery bag "bagger" that lives in the town. The bagger was going to state to bag in that competition. At that time, since his house was unattended, the people of the town went to his house and robbed him of his items. When the rookie bagger came home, he immediately noticed his bare house. Enraged with anger, he punched the wall, causing his hands to become broken and disfigured. He never bagged again.On the brink of becoming professional, he dropped to the bottom. 
          When this happens to a person, I believe they die a little on the inside. All their hopes and dreams crushed, or delayed right when they are to reach it. When a persons dream becomes deffered, they either give it all up completely, or keep chasing this fantastical dream. Although, even if it is given up, I think that it would still be inside of the person forever, haunting, taunting the person.
          I had a dream deferred yesterday. I was craving these eggrolls at the corner store across the street. It was plentiful at lunch time. However, when I went at around 6:30PM to buy some, there were none! I was devastated. I had to settle for some strawberry milk. It was good and all, but Ive been craving them since them. Hopefully there are some later!

Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Syria deaths

"Gaddafi is gone, your turn is coming Bashar," protesters shouted on Friday in Hama. "Our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you, Libya!" they chanted.
          Wow. So many protests going on around the world. With all the "Occupy _____" in US and now this in Syria. I believe what they're saying is right. They basically want to impeach the president right? I find that a right thing to do. If the people do not like the person leading or representing them, they should be able to keep or to discard the person. Also I heard the last leader, Gaffadi was some sort of tyrant? If he was for real, then it is understandable that the people do not want that to happen again.
          "Our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you, Libya!". I think that means that the people are what makes up the country. The people and their culture that represent it. And that they would give up their lives, to protect this. Many, unfortunately had to. More deaths in Syria from security forces. Apparently there are activist groups that are acting out and protesting against the president. I, really, do not agree with the killings. There has even been a killing during one's funeral. Its not right. People should have the right to say what they want, or need to, just like in the US. Free speech. Death shouldn't be even an event at the protests. They just want what is good for the people and economy.
          Basically what I want to say is that the people should be allowed to choose who leads them, and should not be killed because of that effort. Foreign intervention is also opposed. I wish that'd be changed, then people could advise them.

[RE] to max atkins

Max Atkins: 
Since this is a free post I am not going to sit here trying for thirty minutes to make a "great" start for this piece. I find this rather fun, well better than my previous english assignments, to be able to talk about what ever I want to.
          I completely and totally agree with this. I like to have the choice of freedom in my writings. I remember last year, in Ms.Rudd's class. It was mainly just mindless working, since we barely even had to think because she practically gave the writings to us. I mean it was easy but we didn't get freedom, and had to just do what she said.  
          This year, however, is different. I'm glad with the freedom we have in class, and in our works at home. Speaking of working at home, that is a concept that should be used more. By that, I don't mean homework, I mean due dates that are due at 11:59PM, on specific days. I think that allows us to use our time more wisely, or organize our time for it. Using computers or laptops for works are great. We can use them whenever we want.
          We also don't need to put much effort this year in the class. Its like almost a free class, the homeworks are easy, and the classwork, is even more easy. For example, right now, I don't even know what half the things I'm saying. But it does count as our free write, and I also don't need to make it perfect or anything. Just whatever I want to do. Basically, the freedom is nice in this class, and I wish it could like this more in other classes. Its been nice talking to you, its been a while Max. :O See ya around in school.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] a big load. of work

          This week has been busier than ever. Mainly from schoolwork and homework. A whole freaking chapter of AP Euro notes in a few days. ~28 pages? That waaass crazy. Luckily though, due to the lock down drill at the school, the assignment due date was further extended. Pheww. I had done about half of the notes by Tuesday (yesterday), however that took hours to do. I would've been up late, pretty late if it was due today. Math, for the first time in a while, has been hard to understand. There's just been too much material to learn and cover in the limited amount of time. We've also got a weekly quiz on it in 2 days. Sigh.
          bldfkasd even as Im typing this Im feeling so tempted to just shove the keyboard on the side, lie my head down onto the desk, and just fall asleep into an eternal darkness.
          Today I went to Kais again for lunch. Ordered a teriyaki combo box, includes teriyaki chicken with rice, a small portion of salad, cold macaronis (ew) and 4 pieces of California roll sushi. It was pretty good as usual. After we had lunch we headed to Woori market to find a drink. A few of us didnt know what to get, so we looked at this clear bottle with pink writings on it, in korean? It wasnt too expensive, and looked interesting, so we decided to grab one. As we left the store, we opened the bottle with curiousity. It was pretty good. A hint of peach and water, and somewhat thick like juice. Refreshing.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] arrests in protests

Al Jazeera:
The New York Police Department said that 14 people were arrested on Friday when protesters ignored police instructions to remain on the sidewalks so as not to impede traffic.
          I have to agree with the decision of the police. I understand that people have the ability of free speech, and I'm not against the movement, pretty positive toward it, but there are limits I guess. The police told them to remain on the sidewalks, so that traffic is not impeded. The police allowed them to protest, at the very least, but there are some things that they shouldn't do. They were given the chance to protest, but to resist the police, and stop traffic, was not the best idea. First of all, you're getting in the way of innocent people, or lost people who could have possible liked the idea of protesting, but due to the annoyances, has rejected it. The arrests, were indeed true, at least to me.
          I, myself, like the idea of the protest against Wall Street. The greed of the people, sickens me. In this already bad economy, they want more, and more. Seriously? There are people out there without homes or even money to buy food, and you want the money for yourself? That I definitely have to disagree on. Unless all those funds were going to soup kitchens or shelter for the homeless, I'd be glad, however, its for personal use. Corruption has engulfed these money-greedy people. And its a shame. If I were able to, I would go to protest against these horrible people myself. However, I'm just a bit too scared and young? Good luck to all those who are trying though! This should happen. Hopefully it will. 

[RE] ken phan

Ken Phan (<- click for link)
Just like usual, seniors were the loudest, then juniors, us the sophomores, then the quiet freshmen, well they weren't THAT quiet. The juniors though, they were almost dominated the crowds. They were so "spirited" and were all in good rhythm. For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed.
          LOL that was a pretty cool experience I guess. The seniors were frikkin crazy, with all those poppers and horns. Juniors though, were on top of things, dominating. With all their "JUNIOR"-ing and that beat. Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, etc. Also with the wave, they were just, amazingly in sync. They even won the relay thing I think?
          The sophomores though, were alright. Like half the people cheered, and the rest just sat and watched. I did like both, my bleachers were kind of dead. Whenever the juniors did some sort of action, the leaders for the sophomores just copied them, but extended it I guess. The beginning, the juniors yelled like there was no tomorrow, and we followed. We did the exact same thing, but a little longer, until it got quiet. Also with the wave, the juniors did a great job with that. Then since the sophomores weren't doing anything, they decided to copy them as they saw them doing it. "HEY GUYS DO THAT. DO IT NOW." is what I heard. The left side of the bleachers tried to start it, but it kept dying out near the middle. Big fail.
          Oh well. It was a fun day, the orange color was everywhere. Not as much yellow freshman, and a big load of red seniors. I guess that's usual, being it their last year. Green was pretty consistent throughout the school too. Those freshman...who painted some crap all over the foreign language building lockers, were just...stupid. Smearing all over the place. Dumb.

[FREE] ohboy

          Its been a tough, but also relieving week. 
          On Tuesday night, I had little to no homework, so I dozed off at around 8:45. I woke back up around 9:15 and thought to myself "Why don't I just sleep?". Without a doubt, I just turned everything off, shoved my work back into my backpack, hopped back onto my bed, and just hibernated. Woke up fine and dandy at 7:20. Most sleep I've had during a school night for a looooong loooong time. And it felt good.
          Last week I had a chem test and I thought I did horrible. However, when we got them back graded on Monday, my eyes widened and I thought "WOOOO". Instead of doing such a bad job I'd thought, I scored the highest in both of the HP Chem classes, only getting 1 point off the whole test. Phew. Also, during this week, during the block#1 and #2 days, HP Pre-calc had a test on matrices. I understood the concept, but not how to do inverses much. When the day came, it was waaaay too easy. I finished somewhat early, so I had time to check my answers. Seemed fine to me. My teacher graded both of them the day afterwards, and I was once again surprised. I had scored a 97 out of a possible 100. Wow, this week was going great. Until the dreaded AP Euro MC Test...I had a bad feeling about it. My grade as it was, was an 80%. Borderline. I needed to raise it up, so I studied furiously, trying to memorize what all the terms were and their significance. But when the test came, today, I was dead. I studied little of everything, but a lot of the test was focused on just some terms, extended into several questions. Daaang...we haven't received our grades yet, but I know...I just know it ain't gonna be good.